Educational institution |
Квалификация |
Expiration date |
Name of the scientific degree |
Branch of science |
Graduation Date |
ДокторPhD |
15/12/2015 |
Name of academic title |
Date of assignment |
Ассоциированный профессор (доцент) |
24/11/2022 |
File name |
Headline |
Description |
Analytical chemistry. Part 1 |
Mendalieva (2) |
Analytical Chemistry |
Силлабус Аналитическая химия ХТНВ каз |
Analytical Chemistry |
зертханалы__ ж__мыс 1 |
Analytical Chemistry |
зертханалы__ ж__мыс 2 |
Analytical Chemistry |
зертханалы__ ж__мыс 3 |
Analytical Chemistry |
зертханалы__ ж__мыс 5 |
Analytical Chemistry |
зертханалы__ ж__мыс 6 |
Analytical Chemistry |
зертханалы__ ж__мыс 7-8 |
Analytical Chemistry |
зертханалы__ ж__мыс 10 |
Analytical Chemistry |
зертханалы__ ж__мыс 9 |
Analytical Chemistry |
зертханалы__ ж__мыс 11 |
Analytical Chemistry 1 |
alekseev_v_n_kolichestvennyi_analiz |
Analytical chemistry. Part 1 |
alekseev_v_n_kolichestvennyi_analiz |
Analytical Chemistry |
зертханалы__ ж__мыс 12 |
Analytical Chemistry |
карта Аналитическая химия |
Analytical Chemistry |
Силлабус |
Analytical Chemistry |
Семинар |
Analytical chemistry. Part 1 |
Силлабус.АХ.1б.2014-15 ж. |
Analytical chemistry. Part 1 |
Зертх.жұмыстар .Анал.Хим.2б..docx |
Analytical chemistry. Part 1 |
Аналитикалық химия пәні бойынша әдебиеттермен қамтамасыз ету.docx |
Analytical Chemistry |
Mendalieva |
Analytical Chemistry |
alekseev_v_n_kolichestvennyi_analiz |
Solidphase microextraction |
Программа итогового контроля ТФМЭ |
Modern aspects of chromatography |
Программа итогового контроля Хроматография |
Methods of Separation and Concentration in Analytical Chemistry |
Программа итогового контроля Methods of separation |
Instrumental Analysis |
Программа итогового контроля Instrumental analysis |
Organization and Planning of Scientific Research (in English) |
SyllabusOSPR2022Spring |
Organization and Planning of Scientific Researches |
SyllabusOSPR2022Spring |
Organization and planning of scientific research |
SyllabusOSPR2022Spring |
Organization and planning of scientific research |
SyllabusOSPR2022Spring |
Organization and planning of scientific research |
SyllabusOSPR2022Spring |
Instrumental Analysis |
Пән бойынша қорытынды емтихан бағдарламасы |
Instrumental Analysis |
Программа итогового контроля рус |
Fundamentals of analytical chemistry |
Силлабус Пищевая химия каз |
Methods of control and analysis of compounds |
Силлабус,ТФП |
Methods of control and analysis of compounds |
Методикалық нұсқау Исмаилова А.Г |
Instrumental Analysis |
Силлабус рус |
Green Analytical Chemistry |
Пән бойынша қорытынды емтихан бағдарламасы |
Sensory Analysis of Food Products, Examination of Consumer Preference (NCU) |
Final control of the discipline |
Instrumental Methods of Analysis |
Final exam program for the discipline |
Chemistry and technology of rare elements |
Final exam program for the discipline |
Separation Processes |
Final exam program for the discipline |
Introduction to Data Science |
Пәні бойынша қорытынды емтихан бағдарламасы |
Separation Processes |
Final exam program for the discipline4 |
Fundamentals of analytical chemistry |
Syllabus Fundamentals of AC |
Green Analytical Chemistry |
Green Analytical Chemistry |
Силлабус |
Green Analytical Chemistry |
velikorodov_av_tyrkov_ag_zelenaia_khimiia_metody_reagenty_i |
Green Analytical Chemistry |
Пән бойынша қорытынды емтихан бағдарламасы онлайн |
Machinery and Instruments in Food Technology |
Syllabus for 2023-2024 academic year MIFT |
Chemistry and technology of rare elements |
Syllabus for 2023-2024 academic year CTRE |
Introduction to Data Science |
Analytical chemistry |
SyllabusAnChem2024Fall |
Analytical chemistry |
Laboratory work 2 |
Analytical chemistry |
IWS 2 |
Analytical chemistry |
IWS 3 |
Modeling of chemical and technological processes |
Лабораторная работа 5 |
Analytical chemistry |
IWS 1 |
Modeling of chemical and technological processes |
Reshenie_tekhnologicheskih_zadach_v_Excel_2007 |
Modeling of chemical and technological processes |
СРО 1 |
Modeling of chemical and technological processes |
СРО 2 |
Modeling of chemical and technological processes |
СРО 3 |
Modeling of chemical and technological processes |
СРО 4 |
Methods of control and analysis of compounds |
Laboratory work 2 |
Instrumental Analysis |
Силлабус рус |
Instrumental Analysis |
Силлабус eng |
Instrumental Analysis |
Силлабус каз |
Machinery and Instruments in Food Technology |
Final exam program for the discipline |
Actual problems of mineral processing technology |
IWS 3 |
Modern methods of analysis of environmental objects |
Seminar 1 |
Actual problems of mineral processing technology |
IWS 1 |
Analytical chemistry |
Laboratory work 3 |
Green Analytical Chemistry |
Modeling of chemical and technological processes |
Лабораторная работа 6 |
Analytical chemistry |
Laboratory work 2 |
Modeling of chemical and technological processes |
Силлабус 2024-2025 МХТП |
Green Analytical Chemistry |
Силлабус ЖАХ 2024-2025 |
Analytical chemistry |
Syllabus for 2024-2025 AC Pharm |
Methods of control and analysis of compounds |
Syllabus for 2024-2025 academic year MCAC |
Actual problems of mineral processing technology |
Syllabus for 2024-2025 APMPT |
Methods of control and analysis of compounds |
Laboratory work 3 |
Analytical chemistry |
Laboratory work 4 |
Actual problems of mineral processing technology |
IWS 2 |
Green Analytical Chemistry |
Green Analytical Chemistry |
Analytical EcoScale |
Green Analytical Chemistry |
Hexagon |
Actual problems of mineral processing technology |
IWS 4 |
Instrumental Analysis |
Final exam program |
Analytical chemistry |
АХ, силлабус |
Instrumental Methods of Analysis |
Syllabus IMA |
Chemistry and Food Analysis |
Syllabus CFA |
Modeling of Chemical-Technological Processes |
ХТП модельдеу |
Modern methods of analysis of environmental objects |
Seminar 7 |
Modern methods of analysis of environmental objects |
Seminar 8 |
Instrumental Analysis |
Силлабус рус |
Separation Processes |
Syllabus SP |
Sensory Analysis of Food Products, Examination of Consumer Preference (NCU) |
Syllabus for 2023-2024 academic year SA |
Separation Processes |
Final exam program for the discipline2 |
Instrumental Methods of Analysis |
Final exam program for the discipline2 |
Separation Processes |
Final exam program for the discipline |
Separation Processes |
Final exam program for the discipline3 |
Methods of control and analysis of compounds |
IWS 1 |
Modern methods of analysis of environmental objects |
Syllabus for 2024-2025 MMAEO |
Modern methods of analysis of environmental objects |
Seminar 2 |
Modern methods of analysis of environmental objects |
Seminar 4 |
Modern methods of analysis of environmental objects |
Seminar 5 |
Modern methods of analysis of environmental objects |
IWS 2 |
Modern methods of analysis of environmental objects |
IWS 4 |
Modern methods of analysis of environmental objects |
IWS 3 |
Modern methods of analysis of environmental objects |
Seminar 3 |
Modern methods of analysis of environmental objects |
Seminar 6 |
Modern methods of analysis of environmental objects |
IWS 1 |
Instrumental Methods of Analysis |
Final exam program for the discipline3 |
Chemistry and technology of rare elements |
Final exam program for the discipline2 |
Machinery and Instruments in Food Technology |
Final exam program for the discipline2 |
Introduction to Data Science |
Пән бойынша қорытынды емтихан бағдарламасы 2 |
Introduction to Data Science |
Рубрикатор |
Sensory Analysis of Food Products, Examination of Consumer Preference (NCU) |
Final control of the discipline2 |
Machinery and Instruments in Food Technology |
Силлаб Аппараты и инструменты в пп каз |